Technical Architect & Trainer
Multi-Cloud Solutions Architect
Software Engineer & Developer Advocate
Startup Advisor & Corporate Trainer
Buy-Side Quant & Algorithmic Trader
Ali Saif
Supporting FinTech and EdTech Startups, Engineering and Quant R&D Teams, Professional Services Firms and Consultancies with Technical and Strategic Advisory, Corporate & Technical Training, Data, Software, and Integrations Engineering services.
What I Do
What Stakeholders Say

I have had the pleasure of working with Ali at Darwinex.
Ali has demonstrated from the very first day his amazing team management skills. He is a born leader, a person who inspires and motivates even in the most complicated moments.
He really believes in talent and has fully trusted in the ability of the team, allowing all of us to grow and learn a lot at his side.
People like his are hard to come by, someone able to transform really complex ideas into tiny simple concepts, easy to understand and manage.
Thank you so much for being my team mate,
Ka-POW Pau.

Ali is a living, caring and charming encyclopedia.
He is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced data scientist and algorithmic trader I know.
Here at Darwinex Ali has created a top experts department in Machine Learning, and is greatlty contributing to develop Darwinex network.
Although his busy agenda, Ali makes time to help everyone and is always open to receive new ideas.
Having such and experiece as Developer, Architect, Teacher, Data Scientist and Quantitative Trader makes him very keen in overcoming any challenge with a business oriented point of view.
It a pleasure and a privilege to work with him.

Ali, an intelligent, kind, patient and humble man whose leadership mantra is “support them but let them grow by themselves”.
You really make people think on their own and push them to give their best, always present but not interfering, a colleague always willing to help.
You’ve shown an admiring resilience at times of personal difficulties, always with a smile in your face, this is really one of the things that defines you, and for which you should be most proud.
It’s been a great pleasure working by your side, pushing our projects together and collaborating in our, sometimes, never-ending meetings 😂
Keep the smile, the kindness and the supportive spirit always with you and THANKS for being there when I needed it. A topeeeeee!!!!

I've had the pleasure of working under Ali's leadership for nearly two years now. His drive and enthusiasm, combined with his huge range of diverse talents and knowledge mean that he's someone I look up to and admire very much.
He exhibits a considered approach, and always seems to seek out creative solutions to problems.
Not only does Ali use his skills and knowledge to great effect in his own work, but he's always been willing to share his time and experience to help those around him - something that I have benefited from extensively.
I look forward to learning more from Ali as we work together in the future.

Ali is one of the best team leaders that I've had the opportunity to work with.
His charisma and kind personality make the work environment comfortable for all the team. Also, he knows a lot (A LOT), and he is not afraid to share that knowledge to help you improve your ideas.
As a team member, what I appreciated the most were his listening skills because that made me feel more confident about my work and wasn't afraid to share ideas with the team.
Thanks, Ali, for all your advice and patience :D!

Ali has been one of the best team leaders (if not the best) I have ever had.
Creative, understanding, hard-working, dynamic, and very intelligent, both in team management and at a technical level.
Always looking for ways to move forward and optimize processes, focusing on the skills of the teammate to achieve global success.
Definitely, someone who would always listen first and consult for any adventure.

Ali turns everything he touch into Gold.
Such awesome positive enthusiasm and passion for his job is really strange these days in this world.
Always with a smile, very opened and charm with everyone in the company.
It's absolutely amazing having Ali on our side.